Sunday, June 22, 2008

Duck Tolling in Los Altos Hills

Size medium prototype is built up and came home with me on Saturday. Such a nice looking bike. Here's a small shot, and I've added some other pictures to the google group at

I went for a nice ride today in Los Altos Hills, and just past Poor Claire's Monastery I met a friendly woman with a really nice dog, he's a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, and if that interests you check out the page of his breeder at

I'll discuss my ride report and thoughts on the design of the mixte in another post.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mini v-brake

It's been a little slow going since the bike shops have hit their busy season. In testing the medium small prototype, I discovered that occasionally my heel or leg was brushing against the rear cantilever brake arms. We have solved that problem with a mini v-brake for the rear. Size medium prototype is being built up and I hope to test ride it this weekend.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Another picture of size medium

I think this photo shows the color better, the frame really looks good.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Albatross bars with brake levers on the curve

This is a photo of the larger (56 cm) Albatross bar. I haven't seen anyone else set it up this way - I'm using downtube shifters and have the brake levers on the curve. I plan to use these bars on the medium size Mixte prototype with the addition of little bar ends and also the grip shifters.

And now for something completely different

This might just be the world's cutest puppy ... this week we are delighted to welcome Ben to our family!

Don't I look purdy?

Size medium is back from the powdercoater, a little faster than I was expecting, can't wait to get it built up and test ride it!